Steps of Company Development – Top down
The following are the steps to get a product on the WWW and out to the market. Pergi-Tent is on step 14, two more steps till making money$!
Below that are links to the tools used. And finally pictures of the brain dump pages that were used to make these nice clean lists.
- Operations
- Logistics
- WWW – Social Media Marketing
- Shopify
- WordPress
- Hostgator
- Domain Name
- Filezilla
- Text -Evernote
- Video – YouTube
- VSDC Editor
- iPhone & GoPro
- Pics – Google Pics
- Irfan Picture Editor
- iPhone
- Websearch
- Adjust per Field Testing
- Brother PQ1500s
- Prototype
- Adam – professional sewer
- Suppliers
- Vaughan Brothers Canvas Supplies
- MillEnd Fabric Store
- Design – Sketchup
- Experiment with mockup
- Define Problem
- Standup
- Moisture
- Dirt
- Quick putup/takedown
- Storage in vehicle
- Affordable
- Experience with roadtrip camping
- On ground tent in dirt and wet and rollover
- Foldup of same, put in vehicle
- Crawling in small tent and pickup cargo-bed cap
Tool Links
- Shopify
- Hostgator
- WordPress
- Filezilla
- Evernote
- Youtube
- Google Pictures
- IrfanView
- Brother PQ1500s
- Mill End Retail Fabric Store
- Vaughan’s Fabric & Supply
- Adam the sewer – Map
- Sketchup
Work pages for the steps listed above